Most of the modern equipment you could desire in a Resident Evil game has already been covered in the CoC d20 rulebook, but a few items remain.
Item Charges Price
Stim-gun* - $87,99
T-Viral Antitoxin 1 $2.344,99
Cell reconstruction amp 2 $1.212,25
Universal antidote 2 $516,00
*The Stim-gun is standard issue to all Umbrella UBC operatives along with one of each capsule.
Stim-gun: The stim-gun is a reusable high-pressure hypodermic needle designed to inject the subject fast and easily without removing clothes and without the risk of the needle breaking in stressed situations. Using the stim-gun is a move equivalent action.
T-Viral Antitoxin: This antitoxin is designed by Umbrella to counter the effects of the T-Virus if injected within 30 minutes from infection. This antitoxin is as secret and rare as the T-Virus itself, and only Umbrella UBCS operatives and high-ranking Umbrella personnel have access to the antitoxin.
Cell reconstruction amplifier: This capsule contains two injections of a chemical substance that uses the body’s own bio electrical impulses to amplify the reconstruction of cells and damaged tissue. One injection heals d6 hp instantly. If more than two injections (one whole capsule) is injected within a time span of a few minutes, the body overloads and you collapse unconsciously for d8 hours.
Universal Antidote: This capsule contains two doses of an antitoxin that works against all known common poisons. One dose is enough to cure you instantly. Umbrella staff in charge of handling test animal or other poisonous materials uses it often.
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