Security systems
With big secrets comes the need to guard them, and with secrets as big as those the Umbrella Corporation have you need some very advanced security systems.
The following is just a short list of security systems that are often found at various facilities.
Disabling security systems: Security systems are there to protect something, but you will often find yourself in need of getting past those systems to find answers or simply to survive. Each system has a different way of disabling it, and they all require a Disable device skill check. Characters with the Security systems feat will automatically gain bonuses to these checks.
Gun drones
The gun drones are fully automated medium caliber machineguns fitted with motion detective sensors that allow them to swiftly target and destroy any moving object within their designated target area.
The gun drones are often used in high security areas where traffic is limited.
The gun drones fire 7.62x51mm rounds on full automatic bursts at anything within their target area (usually a corridor or room), dealing 2d10 damage pr. shot. The drones have a +9 ranged attack modifier and a range of 60 ft. (the range of the motion sensor).
Disabling: The gun drones can be destroyed by a successful hit to AC 20 to the sensor.
The gun drones – like many other security systems – rely on computers to run them, and finding the main security console will quickly allow you to disable the gun drones with a successful Use computer skill check (DC 15).
Biohazard containment chamber
When dealing with biohazardous material you will usually need to pass through a biohazard disinfection chamber. These rooms are used to decontaminate personnel with a lethal gas. Anyone who enters a decontamination chamber without proper safety gear will suffer a slow suffocating death at the hand of the disinfectants.
Anyone who enters a B.C.C. without protective suits must endure the decontamination process, which lasts for d8 turns. Each turn they must make a fortitude save (DC 17) or suffer d4 suffocating damage.
Another version of this decontamination chamber is sometimes used as access chambers to high security areas. Anyone who enters the chamber must produce the proper identification in the shape of a pass card, a handprint scan or retinal scan etc. Failing to do so will flood the room with lethal gas. These versions have a duration of d10 turns and do d6 suffocating damage if a fortitude save (DC 20) is failed.
Disabling: The decontamination chamber and the security chamber can both be disabled with a Disable device skill check (DC 25). Of course, there is a certain time limit as they can only be disabled while inside.
Laser grid
The laser grid is a vicious trap made by high-powered laser beams that form a moving grid that cuts through steel as well as flesh and bone. These security systems are only used in conjunction with very high security areas and require a large computer to run.
Anyone who enters a corridor with a laser grid will trigger it. All exits will be sealed and the grid will activate. As the grid changes its pattern and movement, the target must make d4 consecutive reflex saves (DC 3d6+5) or suffer 4d10 damage.
Disabling: The only way of disabling a laser grid is to turn it off at the main console (usually situated in the immediate proximity such as the next room, or in a main security control room). Doing so requires a successful Use computer skill check (DC 15).
Story ideas
To get you started right away, we have created a short list of story ideas that can be used as single story plots or combined to form large campaigns. These are not scenarios in them selves, but merely plot ideas for you to turn into your own unique adventures.
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